a type of electronic test instrument which allows observation of constantly varying signal voltages, especially very fast changes in voltage over time. The oscilloscope can show information which a simple multimeter cannot. The display usually shows as a two-dimensional plot of one or more signals as a function of time. Non-electrical signals (such as sound or vibration) can be converted to voltages and displayed.
Technical Data: Tektronix 2245 100MHz, 4 channel
Spec Sheet: Tektronix 2245 specification sheet
User Manual: Tektronix 2245 operator manual
Leased By: David K.
Safety Considerations:
- Often modern digital circuit voltages measured by an oscilloscope are small, but with any measurement of electricity, one should take care to avoid any potential shock.
- Analysis of circuits from Cathode Ray Tube televisions is extremely dangerous and NOT a beginner’s activity. Thousands of volts are involved.
Certification Process:
Read and view the material at the following links to help you prepare for using the oscilloscope.
- Oscilloscope Guide Very thorough information from the UK with a student in mind
- Oscilloscope Tutorial (PDF) from MIT OpenCourseWare – Electromagnetic Energy: From Motors to Lasers
- Oscilloscope Beginner’s Tutorial (PDF) from University of Nebraska Lincoln Electrical Engineering Shop
- Instructibles Tutorial web page with available download